Policy 305
Assignment, Promotion and Retention
Policy 305 - Assignment, Promotion and Retention
The Head Administrator with the assistance of teachers shall determine all grade placements of students. Room assignments of pupils shall be made by the Head Administrator and committees of teachers.
The Governance Council acknowledges that the awarding of marks, retesting and decisions relative to promotion or retention of students is a responsibility of the student success team. It is the Council's policy to support its professional staff in this professional duty. The Governance Council feels that the professional staff can be depended upon to make all such decisions in the best interests of children. However, the Governance Council considers it important that parents be consulted and informed at an early date when retention is advisable.
Promotion and retention decisions affecting a student enrolled in special education shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the individual educational plan established for that student.
Parental refusal to allow a student to be retained in grades K-6 must be in a written statement. In this case, the parent or guardian shall sign a waiver indicating his/her desire that the student be promoted to the next higher grade with an academic improvement plan designed to address specific academic deficiencies. Students failing to attain proficiency of content standards at the end of that year shall then be retained in the same grade for no more than one year in order to have additional time to master the required content standards.
A student who fails to attain proficiency of content standards for two successive school years shall be referred to the student success team for placement in an alternative program designed by the school.