Policy 301
Age of Attendance
Policy 301 - Age of Attendance
An early childhood Pre-K education program shall be made available to students through the lottery process for a child who has attained his/her fourth birthday prior to 12:01 a.m. September 1 of the year of enrollment.
An early childhood education program shall be made available to every child who has attained his/her fifth birthday prior to 12:01 a.m. September 1 of the year of enrollment. An exception will be made for any child who comes to Turquoise Trail Charter School from another state having attended kindergarten in that state for not less than sixty (60) days and whose birthday falls on or before December 31 of the year of enrollment.
First Grade
To be eligible for first grade the student must have attained his/her sixth birthday prior to 12:01 a.m. September 1 of the year of enrollment. An exception will be made for any child who comes to Turquoise Trail Charter School from another state having attended the first grade in that state for not less than sixty (60) days and whose birthday falls on or before December 31 of the year of enrollment.
After completion of the first grade, children who apply for initial admission to Turquoise Trail Charter School by transfer from non-public schools or from schools outside the district will be initially enrolled at the grade level they attained elsewhere pending evaluation by classroom teachers, guidance personnel, and the school Head Administrator. After such evaluations have been completed the Head Administrator will determine the final grade placement of the student.
Special Education
Turquoise Trail Charter School provides “special education” services additional to, supplementary with, or different from those provided in the regular school program by a systematic modification and adoption of instructional techniques, materials and equipment to meet the needs of exceptional children.